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Teach Soap • View topic - Trials and Tribulations with GM

Teach Soap

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:37 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:00 pm
Posts: 154
Location: Burlington Vermont
So, having figured out HP to the point where I "sort of know what I'm doing" I figured I would try some goats milk oatmeal honey castile without scent or color. I froze the GM to a slush before adding my lye, and man did it turn yellow! Almost brown. Next time I will freeze it solid and mix in an ice bath. I added my honey and oatmeal and the solution only turned darker. I mixed my brown sludge in with the hot EVOO in the crock pot and stirred it in. As soon as it started to bubble it curdled, and the curdles sank down to occupy about 2/3 of the vessel as a pourus sponge with oil on top. Stir and stir as I might, I still had this caustic sponge. When it started to bubble again (had to recover from the mixing) the sponge more evenly filled the crock pot but there was still a ton of free unmixed oil. HOURS LATER! No change. I've reached a stalemate with this soap. At this point I figure, there must not be enough water left in it for the lye to eat up the oil. I pour in some GM (a splash, done measuring at this point in my descent into insanity) and I WAS RIGHT! As soon as it got that splash of milk and some blending with the stick beater it took on the consistancy of lovely HP soap and no longer zapped. I molded it up and sprinkled my oat flour over the top. What I have looks a lot like banana bread in color, though it cools to a much lighter tan. I washed with a scrap and OH MY GOD! It was worth all the trouble. This is a wonderful soap that I will make again, though perhaps I'll wait before adding the honey and oatmeal, and make sure my goats milk is totally frozen. I wanna give this one a loooong cure time since I added water at the end. I was making this batch to sell, so that in 6 months or so when we start, it will already be cured to perfection.

So, help me out here, when do you add your honey and oats when making HP soap?

Just call me "Apo"

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